
Non-invasive imaging for advanced morpho-functional diagnostics

The project was aimed at defining a system to support complex healthcare organizations, based on a new representation of the information assets, with particular reference to the representation of medical knowledge in a homogeneous and standard form, the virtual integration of internal and external knowledge to a healthcare structure, the possibility of analyzing the same information bases on several levels (multi-dimension), the possibility of combining traditional methods and techniques of information retrieval with the paradigms emerging from the web experience (such as ontological search engines and semantic analysis).

Funding: Programma Operativo Nazionale Ricerca e Competitività 2007-2013, Regioni Convergenza, Fondi Strutturali relativi alla programmazione 2007/2013, Asse 1 – Sostegno ai mutamenti strutturali




Serious games as emerging e-health interventions for young people with neurological or respiratory disorders

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