Marine Pollution Detection Systems from Plastics and subsequent recovery-recycling

The SIRIMAP project aims to develop new remote and proximity detection systems to monitor marine pollution due to macro, meso and microplastics, methodologies for their in-situ and at lab scale analyses, and appropriate strategies for recovery and recycling.
The objectives of SIRIMAP are particularly relevant for the protection of the Mediterranean Sea, recently identified as a great accumulation region of plastic debris. In this scenario, SIRIMAP represents a strategic proposal for the “Blue Growth” topic, in agreement with international, European and national guidelines. The objectives of the project are: development of satellite data analysis methodologies and strategies for remote mapping of macroplastics, development of detection platform (drone) for proximity mapping of meso/microplastics; sampling and in-situ analyses, characterization of meso-microplastics and recovery/recycling strategy assessment; experimental development and demonstrators.

Funding: Programma Operativo Nazionale “R&I” 2014-2020 – Azione II – Avviso per la presentazione di progetti di Ricerca Industriale e Sviluppo Sperimentale nelle 12 aree di specializzazione individuate dal PNR 2015-2020




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