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Franchini, Silvia; Terranova, Maria Chiara; Re, Giuseppe Lo; Galia, Massimo; Salerno, Sergio; Midiri, Massimo; Vitabile, Salvatore

A Novel System for Multi-level Crohn's Disease Classification and Grading Based on a Multiclass Support Vector Machine Book Section

In: Esposito, Anna; Faundez-Zanuy, Marcos; Morabito, Francesco Carlo; Pasero, Eros (Ed.): Progresses in Artificial Intelligence and Neural Systems, pp. 185–197, Springer, Singapore, 2021, ISBN: 9789811550935.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Bayesian optimization, Crohn's disease multi-level classification and grading, Feature extraction, Feature reduction, K-fold cross-validation, machine learning, Magnetic Resonance Enterography, Medical Imaging, multi-level classifiers, Multiclass support vector machines, Supervised learning