Intelligent Museums Network with Advanced Multimedia

The phenomenon of cultural digitization has been a reality for several years now and sees museums and archives as the protagonists of this historical moment which pushes strongly towards an improvement in the digital performance of these spaces, through a strong involvement of the territory and the public. Participation, sharing, total accessibility and entertainment represent the guidelines that the REMIAM project intends to implement to improve the cultural accessibility of the museum itself and of the surrounding area, through the paradigm of the “Network of Museums”. The new museum concept, within the network, is based on the ability to tell about oneself through technologies capable of making the works talk to visitors, with the aim of abandoning simple use, giving way to a cultural, intellectual experience and emotional, able to satisfy different tastes and needs. The modern technologies of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Augmented Reality will be used to favor this change of course, designing a technological skeleton to aid communication and understanding of knowledge linked to the place. With the project we want to pursue a multidisciplinary approach, which aims to design a new model of museum space, where art, technology, new models of interaction and innovative communication techniques can support the transformation process of traditional museums in the direction of MUSEI 4.0.

Funding: POR Campania FESR 2014/2020, Asse I – Obiettivo Specifico 1.2 – Azione 1.2.2. Avviso “Distretti ad alta tecnologia, aggregazioni e laboratori pubblico privati per il rafforzamento del potenziale scientifico e tecnologico della Regione Campania”
