Digital Mermaid

The sound of holograms

The “Sirena Digitale” demonstrator project was created to enhance and promote the Neapolitan cultural, artistic and musical heritage: it is a holographic prototype of an interactive artist who, in the form of a hologram, interprets the repertoire of the classic Neapolitan song in multilingual versions. Thanks to the siren song, it is possible to listen to music tracks and different interpretations of the classics of the Neapolitan song, proposed in the original language versions, in English and in Mandarin Chinese. The innovative presentation of the contents makes it possible to enhance the artistic heritage of Campania. In particular, through the digital technologies put in place (which allow a way of using the artistic materials, presented as audio, video and in the form of a hologram), Neapolitan artistic and cultural contents have been re-proposed, from antiquity to post-modernity, which they combine tradition and innovation, with particular attention to the myth and cult of the Parthenope siren, in an iconographic reinterpretation that recalls the cinematic imagination, the worlds of art, culture and Neapolitan and international music. Through a vision – of images and sounds – contemporary, post-modern and futurist.

Funding: Demonstrator of the REMIAM project – POR Campania FESR 2014/2020, Asse I – Obiettivo Specifico 1.2 – Azione 1.2.2. Avviso “Distretti ad alta tecnologia, aggregazioni e laboratori pubblico privati per il rafforzamento del potenziale scientifico e tecnologico della Regione Campania”
