
Virtualization, sensing and IoT for the innovation of the industrial production process of beverages

The project aims to define new production models for a smart factory, based on an extremely innovative paradigm already being investigated in other areas (for example that of 5G cellular infrastructures): the “slicing” of a production plant. Thanks to this paradigm, sensors, actuators and IoT devices located in a production plant, the SW resources supporting the operation of a smart factory (programs, applications, processes), will be virtualized and their specialized functions and dynamically composed to make faced with particular (present and future) identified production needs.

Funding: Programma Operativo Nazionale “R&I” 2014-2020 – Azione II – Avviso per la presentazione di progetti di Ricerca Industriale e Sviluppo Sperimentale nelle 12 aree di specializzazione individuate dal PNR 2015-2020




Serious games as emerging e-health interventions for young people with neurological or respiratory disorders

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